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Historic Planning & Zoning

Upcoming Historic District Guidelines Update Public Meetings:

St. Elmo, Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 5:00 PM 

Battery Place, Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 4:00 PM 

Ferger Place, Wednesday. September 25, 2024 at 5:30 PM 

Fort Wood, Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 5:00 PM



City of Chattanooga - Code of Ordinance/ Chapter 10 - Buildings / Article II.  - Historic Zoning 

Chattanooga is a Certified Local Government rich with historical and architectural character. The Chattanooga Historic Zoning Ordinance identifies four residential neighborhoods as Local Historic Districts. By preserving historic properties and communities, Chattanooga is promoting rehabilitation, sustainability, revitalization, and conservation. Design Review ensures the protection of a community's character while enhancing property values and promoting economic development. Design guidelines provide further administration of design issues which include building scale and massing, architectural features and details, and site design. 

The four Local Historic Districts, St. Elmo, Fort Wood, Ferger Place, and Battery Place are regulated by the Chattanooga Historic Zoning Commission (CHZC) and staff. The CHZC is comprised of nine professionals who specialize in preservation, architecture, development, and neighborhood affairs. The Commission meets the third Thursday of every month at 9:30 a.m., in the Development Resource Center (DRC) or online through the Zoom platform. 



These Guidelines were updated in 2014. In this document update, several drawings depicting the intent of the Guidelines were deleted. The record has not been found to approve this deleting of information from the Guidelines. The original Guidelines can be found here: Saint ElmoFort WoodFerger Place, and Battery Place.   



The next CHZC meeting is September 19th, 2024, at 9:30 A.M. EST. Location: 1250 Market Street, Conference Room 1A.

September 2024 Presentation 
Meeting Community Comments: Send all emailed community comments to at least 24 hours prior to the 9:30 a.m. meeting. Any comments received less than 24 hours to the meeting, may not be able to be placed into the presentation and incorporated into the meeting. 


Order of Business for each case:

  1. Staff Presentation
  2. Applicant Presentation (10 minutes maximum)
  3. Community Comments/ Comments by Other Persons (5 minutes total)
  4. Applicant Response (5 minutes maximum)
  5. Historic Zoning Commission Discussion
  6. Motion and Vote

2024 CHZC Meeting Dates and Application Deadlines



July 2024 Meeting: 
June 2024 Meeting: 
May 2024 Meeting: 
April 2024 Meeting: 
March 2024 Meeting: 
February 2024 Meeting:
January 2024 Meeting:
December 2023 Meeting:
November 2023 Meeting:
October 2023 Meeting:
September 2023 Meeting:
August 2023 Meeting
July 2023 Meeting
June 2023 Meeting
May 2023 Meeting
April 2023 Meeting


A new permitting system was implemented on May 11, 2020, by the Land Development Office, Economic and Community Development Department, of the City of Chattanooga. The name of the new software is Viewpoint Cloud. To get started you will need to create a user account. 

Certificates of Appropriateness (COA): 

COA Application Link HERE (Viewpoint Cloud Portal). Create a login and complete the COA application. 

COA Submittal Requirements: 
  • Detailed Description of Work. Describe in detail all work to be done, location on the structure or site, and reason for the work. All materials submitted with an application are retained by the City of Chattanooga.
  • Current Property Color Photographs of all sides of the structure(s) and site under consideration
  • Current Adjacent Properties’ Color Photographs of all adjoining or neighboring structures and sites
  • Current and Proposed Site Plans (drawn to scale): A site plan or map of the structure(s) under consideration clearly showing the building's location and relation to neighboring structures, the current building's and proposed building's setback(s), public or private streets or drives, and access and utility rights-of-way.
  • Current and Proposed Building Elevation Drawings (drawn to scale): Drawings that clearly show the proposed structure and existing structure(s) and the proposed addition(s) and alteration(s). Such drawings shall include plans and elevations or exterior perspectives drawn to a scale sufficient to show the proposed height; scale; orientation, spacing, and site coverage; facade proportions and rhythm; size, shape, and proportions of entrances and porch projections; materials, textures, and colors; architectural details; roof shape and slope; directional expression; landscaping, walls, and fences; and general visual effect. Such plans or plats shall show all improvements to structures or appurtenances which affect the exterior architectural appearance of all structures on the property. Plats or plans are required for all exterior additions, alterations or changes proposed to be made to any structure face or any yard.
  • Materials List: A listing of all materials to be used, including all possible substitutes, in the addition or alteration. The list shall include all substances, components, materials, apparatus, equipment, fixtures, or devises to be constructed, installed, attached, or built. Listing shall describe clearly the size, composition, color, catalog order number, and specie of all listed components.
  • Additional Items requested if new construction or an addition contains a proposed foundation height greater than 48” in height at its highest point (drawn to scale): Site Plan with Existing Topography & Site Plan with Proposed Grading Plans.

Demolition Requirements - Proof of Advertisement (Addition to the Application), click HERE

Certificate of Economic Hardship (CEH):

If a COA has been denied to a property owner within a Local Historic District or of a Local Historic Landmark, then the property owner has the right to present evidence to the Commission that such denial has deprived the owner of reasonable use or economic return, of the property. Contact the Chattanooga Historic Planning and Zoning Office and staff for this application.

Local Historic District (LHD) and Local Historic Landmark (LHL):  

For the PDF information: Click Here. This application is to be submitted online through the Viewpoint Cloud Portal, here.


Cost & Fees:

ALL FEES ARE DUE WHEN APPLICATIONS ARE MARKED COMPLETE BY THE INTAKE REVIEW. Fees not paid within 5 days of the application's intake review completion, will be pushed to the next month's meeting agenda. 

The cost of a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) and its associated application is as follows.  If an application is submitted in response to a violation, there will be a double application fee (City Code Section 109.2.3 Penalties). These costs may be found in Chapter 10.3 figure 109.2.4 Other Fees. All fees and costs are non-refundable.

  • $25  = Staff Review COA Application Fee
  • $150 = Local Historic District (LHD) and Local Historic Landmark (LHL)
  • $175 = Commission Review COA Application Fee
  • $275 = Demolition Commission Review COA Application Fee
Hearing and Determination: This language can be found in Chapter 10. Article II. Sec. 10-15. (d) Hearing and Determination.

(1) Administrative (Staff) Review. Staff approval may be provided for work that meets the design guidelines and is not one (1) of the following: New construction of primary structures, outbuildings, or garages; additions, demolition; parking lots.

(2) CHZC (Commission) Review. The CHZC must review all applications for new construction of primary structures, outbuildings, garages, additions, demolition, and parking lots as well as any applications that the staff refers to the CHZC.


COA Review Process: 

Staff Review: 

Staff approval may be provided for work that meets the design guidelines and is not one (1) of the following: New construction of primary structures, outbuildings, or garages; additions, demolition; parking lots.

All construction work must meet the Design Guidelines as approved by the Chattanooga Historic Zoning Commission. If plans change, a new application will be required. If work is not started within 6 months of the issue date, a new Certificate of Appropriateness will need to be issued. A COA is NOT a building permit or a land-disturbing permit. Please contact the Land Disturbing Office or the Building Permit Office before starting the project.

The COA must be posted in a visible location or on file on the property until the project is completed.


Commission Review: 

The CHZC must review all applications for new construction of primary structures, outbuildings, garages, additions, demolition, and parking lots as well as any applications that the staff refers to the CHZC. Staff refers cases inconsistent with the Guidelines to the CHZC for their review.

Following a proper review of sufficient data, including a public hearing, the Commission shall approve or deny the COA within thirty (30) days. The COA may be issued with modification by CHZC. Written notice of the approval or denial of the application for a COA shall be provided to the applicant and to the Building Inspection Division if a building or demolition permit is needed. The CHZC shall state in the written notice any required modifications to the application, and conditions to which the certificate is subject, or reasons for the denial of the application.

The applicant may resubmit an amended application for a COA which takes into consideration the recommendations of the CHZC. The applicant may also apply for a CEH if they feel the decision of the CHZC has denied them a reasonable economic return or use of the property.

If a case or case component has been marked as deferred, the applicant must submit an updated application addressing that case element or deferred case before the meeting deadline. This allows for proper processing of the applications for the meeting.

All construction work must meet the Design Guidelines as approved by the Chattanooga Historic Zoning Commission. If plans change, a new application will be required. If work is not started within 6 months of the issue date, a new Certificate of Appropriateness will need to be issued. A COA is NOT a building permit or a land-disturbing permit. Please contact the Land Disturbing Office or the Building Permit Office before starting the project.

The COA must be posted in a visible location or on file on the property until the project is completed.

Conflict of Interest:

It is the applicant's responsibility to communicate to CHZC Staff, at the application submission deadline, any and all conflicts of interests between the Chattanooga Historic Zoning Commission members and the application case.



Development Review Planner


The Chattanooga Historic Zoning Commission's (CHZC) purpose is to review proposed changes and new construction in the four historic districts in Chattanooga, St. Elmo, Fort Wood, Battery Place, and Ferger Place. The CHZC reviews all proposals and determines that the work is within the adopted Guidelines of each district. They work to ensure the integrity of each district.

This nine-member commission is comprised of a representative of a local historical organization, a member of a local Planning Commission, an architect, four (4) residents of the Local Historic Districts, and three (3) members of the general public.

Commission Membership: Click here to view current membership and to check for opportunities to serve on this Commission.
CHZC BYLAWS / Rules of Procedure: HERE 
Commission Attendance: 

Attendance at Meetings: Any member of the Commission who is absent from three (3) regular, consecutive meetings, or is absent from five (5) or more regular meetings in a twelve (12)-month period shall be removed from the Commission. A new Commission member shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation of the City Council for any such vacancy. Absences related to sickness, death, or other like emergencies shall not affect a member’s status on the Commission; except in the case of a prolonged absence, the Commissioner shall be replaced. (Found in the CHZC Bylaws/Rules of Procedure. Section V. Organization Structure.E. Meetings. 4.)

Contacting Historic Zoning Commissioners

To comply with Tennessee Open Meeting requirements and to provide all parties an equal opportunity to be heard by the entire Historic Zoning Commission during the public hearing, the Historic Zoning Commission members are unable to speak to you or read and respond to written communications on agenda items before action is taken in a public hearing during the Historic Zoning Commission meeting each month.

Public Comment at Meetings

As public feedback is important to the process, stakeholders are encouraged to attend and provide input at the monthly Historic Zoning Commission meetings. If you are unable to attend the meeting(s) or if you would like to also provide written comments to the Historic Zoning Commissioners, you may provide your input by sending an email to or by contacting the Historic Zoning staff by email. Any communications before the monthly meetings will be provided to all Historic Zoning Commissioners during the public hearings of the Chattanooga Historic Zoning Commission each month. Please send all the comments to the staff in advance. Please note that comments received within 24 hours of the listed meeting date and time can not be guaranteed to be read at the meeting, this is due to staff preparing for the meeting at that time.


Flow Chart for obtaining a Historic Zoning Certificate of Appropriateness: HERE.
Photo by Phillip Stevens and Matt Lea